Venus DeMars

Venus DeMars
Glass Plate photo

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Gonna give this another try

OK everyone... I'm gonna attempt to give this another try... Just finished the ATPH 3D 'Out West' tour... and got lots of suggestions that I should keep a running blog after people read my updates... I've been convinced that it's worth a try.
.. but it'll take me a few to figure out the tricks of layout, and media content added: (Pics and videos...etc.) so any suggestions or help is welcome.
My Facebook profile is:
my regular e-mail is:
you can send suggestions or tips on how to make 'Blogger' look good etc there for now till I get the hang of this.

Thanks so much!
Venus DeMars


Paintress Gretchen said...

Cool, I hope you keep this up! I also hope you post photos of your artwork!

Anonymous said...

